Second HERITY International Conference

The First HERITY International Conference on Quality in Cultural Heritage Management: models and methods of classification. The HERITY proposal was held in December 2006 to point out the state-of-the-art of existing classifications for Monuments, Museums, Archaeological sites, Libraries and Archives.
Conclusions were reached thanks to UNESCO-WHC, UN-WTO, ICCROM, HERITY and published at their Web sites as well as in the Proceedings of the Conference, which will be released before the next Conference will take place.
Further editions are thought to be dedicated time by time to one of the four Criteria adopted in the HERITY ‘target’ which is used to illustrate the classification obtained as a result of the HGES (Herity Global Evaluation System) certification. They are: Value, Conservation, Communication, Services. The Second HERITY International Conference (December 3-5, 2008 in Rome) will focus on Value.
Conference purposes are:
  1. To make possible to exchange ideas and experiences at an international level on the aims, possibility to measure, and the ways to describe the concept of Value related to material Cultural Heritage open to the public (Monuments,Museums, Archaeological sites, Libraries and Archives) from different points of view;
  2. To present in detail the HERITY approach to the criterion Value when performing the quality evaluation.
The Second HERITY International Conference is organized by:
c/o DRI, V. E. Filiberto 17
00185 ROMA
Tel./Fax +39.06.7049.7920